Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some Good Websites

I am obviously a Democrat, so my choice for the next president is clearly Obama. I honestly believe that he is the best candidate regardless of my beliefs and my political party. I have found a couple websites that are out of the norm, however, for those of you to check out that see things differently than I do. One is Rebublicams for Obama and the other is Mormons for Obama. Since the majority of people that read my blog probably fall into these 2 groups, I decided to put the websites on here for your enjoyment.
Obama would be such a great leader; I can't wait until November when I can cast my vote!!

On a side note, this post is not meant to offend anyone.


Anonymous said...

OH MY you TOTALLY offended me!!!!! Just kidding. I love your posts it was fun hanging out yesterday! Have a good day see ya soon

Denise said...

No offense here!! I think it's great that you are so into politics now. You go girl!! I am having a hard time casting my vote for either candidate this time!! Very thoughtful websites though. I might have to write in Mitt Romney!!!

Lora and Josh said...

Hey, happy birthday last week. Hope you had a good time!